Desperate Defenses of Police Violence

The pushback against accountability for police after the Derek Chauvin conviction for murdering George Floyd among my Trump-supporting friends strikes me as willful ignorance and blindness, judging from the false memes spread on Facebook. First, there's the suggestion that Floyd got what he deserved because he had submitted a counterfeit $20 bill, was under the... Continue Reading →

I posted this meme on Facebook, which led to good-natured discussion with a lawyer-friend who questions whether BLM is a positive movement if it presumes all African-American encounters with law enforcement as depicted in video snippets are the fault of the police. I responded: "I don't presume video clips are a substitute for due process,... Continue Reading →

Congress Considers Police Reform Legislation If police violence against minorities is to diminish, systemic change will be needed. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would curtail police chokeholds, introduce new training procedures, seeks to expand the use of body cameras, create a national registry for officers accused of misconduct, and establishes independent prosecutors to investigate police. It... Continue Reading →

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